Speaker Details

Jakob Andersson ZEM Energy

Jakob Andersson

Jakob Andersson holds a BA in renewable energy from the University of Agder. He has worked in R&D since 2013, starting with freefall lifeboats, and was responsible for building the E-GES Electric Gravity Escape System – a 45-foot lifeboat designed to drop from 40 meters. Andersson is the project manager for the Pilot-E project in ZEM and is responsible for the integration and marine adaptation of the hydrogen fuel cell from Cellcentric.


Experiences with integrating fuel cell solutions with batteries in aquaculture vessels

This presentation will share the experience from integrating a fuel cell – designed originally for trucks – with batteries in an aquaculture service vessel built by Moen Marin. It is the first time that a high-effect fuel cell has been fully integrated with a large liquid-cooled MNC battery system for the aquaculture sector. The project is part of the Norwegian Pilot E program. We will also describe how the project is integrated into an operational infrastructure concept, accessing FC hydrogen but also electricity through ZEM's compact powerbank charging containers with 550-800kWh battery capacity.