Speaker Details

Elias Boletis Enerate Marine

Elias Boletis

Elias Boletis holds a mechanical and electrical engineering degree from NTUA, Greece and an MSc from the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium. He has a PhD in applied sciences from the University of Brussels, Belgium. Boletis served in leading technical positions at Wartsila Corporation as head of technology and propulsion product director for more than 25 years. He is currently senior industry advisor of vessel propulsion and energy efficiency and advises shipowners and the manufacturing industry. He is an external technical advisor of RINA Consulting and a visiting professor at the Dalian Maritime University.


Feasibility of carbon capture systems on board merchant vessels

This presentation offers a comprehensive review of the marinization of CCS technology covering the costs, the regulatory complexity and the technology readiness. Starting with a look at carbon emissions by main vessel types and reviewing the current state of energy transition in International shipping it will outline the scale of the task, and the costs involved. It will look at two different regulatory schemes MARPOL Annex VI and Fuel EU and how they can be reconciled with CCS. The presentation will look at the main options for Onboard Carbon Capture and Storage (OCCS) and the impact on vessel operations. It will conclude with recommendations and a path toward greater use of OCCS.